Tag: DC Comics

‘Gotham’ Actor Teases Classic Comics Stories For End Of Season

Last night Cameron Monaghan's Jerome returned to our screens in the latest episode of Gotham. In recent months,...

Season Finale of ‘Batman: The Enemy Within’ Premieres March 27 Across All Platforms

As the end approaches, Dark Knight News presents the latest news on Telltale Games' Batman: The Enemy Within....

Writer Tom King Teases Batman And Catwoman’s Wedding Apparel Online

One of the greatest comics events of all time is just around the corner. With The Joker planning...

DKN Podcast: Special Guest Damian Fasciani

Welcome to The Dark Knight News Podcast! This episode Steve and Steve are joined by the owner of...

Review: Suicide Squad #36

"Drain The Swamp" Part 2 Writer: Rob Williams Artists: Eduardo Pansica & Julio Ferreira   Hack has returned...

‘Shazam!’ star teases Batman cameo

With production of Shazam! well underway the star of the movie has teased that certain Dark Knight may...

‘Batman & Mr. Freeze: Sub-Zero’ coming to Blu Ray

Back in 1997 the world eagerly awaited the release of Batman and Robin starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr....

DKN Spotlight Review: Batgirl #20

"Cold Snap" Part 2   Writer: Hope Larson Artist: Sami Basri   Hope Larson is back at it...

Limited Edition 1/6 scale ‘Batman: TAS’ figure Available

Batman: The Animated Series arguably gave us one of the most quintessential designs of the character of all time. The...

Batgirl #45

Joss Whedon Quits ‘Batgirl’

Batgirl is looking for another director, Joss Whedon has announced that he is leaving the project. Joss spoke...