Tag: grayson
Preview: Grayson #12
Writers: Tom Seeley and Tom King Penciller: Mikel Janin The prodigal son returns home for the first time...
‘Robin War’ Covers & Solicits
Earlier this year, DC announced they would be releasing a crossover titled Robin War, this December as part of the...
Preview: Grayson #10
Dick Grayson's been through a lot in the last year. He's had to fake his death and become...
DC All Access: LEGO Dimensions E3 Trailer + Robin 75th
The New DC Universe charges ahead with news that celebrates the 75th anniversary of Robin and all the...
DKN Recommends Grayson Vol. 1: Agents of Spyral
GRAYSON VOL. 1: AGENTS OF SPYRAL by Tim Seeley, Tom King, Mikel Janin, Stephen Mooney, and Jeromy Cox...
‘Beware The Batman’ Clip Featured On New ‘DC All Access’
A brand new episode of DC All Access has arrived! This week, they start us off with an exclusive look...
DC Comics October 2014 Monster Variant Covers
Check out DC Comics Monster Variant Covers for October 2014! They're rife with vampire fangs and werewolf fur!
SDCC 2014 DC Variant Covers Announced
With Comic-Con International out in San Diego just a few weeks away, news of exclusive merchandise for the...
Troy Baker Talks ‘Assault On Arkham’ On Latest ‘DC All Access’
Joker lovers won't want to miss the latest episode of DC All Access. In the video above, Troy Baker...
Original Nightwing Finale
The original Nightwing finale was suppose to be done a different way than the one we saw just...