Tag: greg rucka
Detective Comics #1027 To Celebrate 1000 Issues Of The Bat
Article by Steve J. Ray Everybody knows that Batman celebrated 80 years of continuous publication in 2019. This...
DC Comics to Release Trade Paperbacks with Artist Renderings of ‘Birds of Prey’ Cast
Article by Adam Poncharoensub In case you hadn't made it out to watch the first of two creepy...
‘Gotham’ Actor Teases Classic Comics Stories For End Of Season
Last night Cameron Monaghan's Jerome returned to our screens in the latest episode of Gotham. In recent months,...
Preview: Wonder Woman Annual #1
"And Then, There were Three..." Writers: Greg Rucka and various Artists: Nicola Scott, Liam Sharp, and...
Review: Wonder Woman #2
Writer: Greg Rucka Artist: Nicola Scott With this issue begins "Wonder Woman: Year One," which will span even...
Review: Wonder Woman #1
Writer: Greg Rucka Artist: Liam Sharp Despite my thinking Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 didn't exactly break new ground, I must...
Review: Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1
Writer: Greg Rucka Artists: Matthew Clark & Liam Sharp I'm very conflicted when it comes to Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1....