Tag: harper row

Overwhelmed by YJ:O? WE are!

Review: ‘Young Justice: Outsiders’ Episode 20 – “Quiet Conversations”

"Quiet Conversations" Writer: Greg Weismann Director: Melchior Zwyer Starring: Zehra Fazal, Grey Griffin, Phil LaMarr, Stephanie Lemelin, Danica...

Review: ‘Young Justice: Outsiders’ Episode 11 – “Another Freak”

“Another Freak” Writer: Mae Catt Director: Mel Zwyer Starring: Troy Baker, Jeff Bennett, Zehra Fazel, Stephanie Lemelin, Jesse McCartney,...

Review: Batman & Robin Eternal #26

Writer: James Tynion IV Pencillers: Scot Eaton, Carlo Pagulayan, Igor Vitorino, and Geraldo Borges. Batman & Robin Eternal...

Preview: Batman and Robin Eternal #22

Writer: Genevieve Valentine (Story by James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder) Penciller: Fernando Blanco Last issue started with...

Review: Batman & Robin Eternal #21

  Writer: James Tynion IV Penciller: Tony Daniel We head to the past in Batman & Robin Eternal...

Preview: Batman & Robin Eternal #21

Writer: James Tynion IV Penciller: Tony S. Daniel In the wake of an unwitting mistake Batman sent into...

Review: Batman & Robin Eternal #19

  Writer: Tim Seeley Penciller: Paul Pelletier The virus runs its course through the pages of Batman &...

Review: Batman & Robin Eternal #18

Writer: Ed Brisson Pencillers: Wayne Faucher and Scot Eaton Following a wonderful issue last week, Batman & Robin...

Review: Batman & Robin Eternal #14

Writer: James Tynion IV Pencilers: Fernando Blanco & Roger Robinson Batman & Robin Eternal #14 kicks off the...

Second Opinion: Batman & Robin Eternal #13

  Writer: James Tynion IV Penciller: Marcio Takara The story of Cassandra Cain continues to unfold in this...