Tag: Karl Mostert

DCeased: Unkillables #3 Featured Image

Review: DCeased: Unkillables #3

"Friends & Family" Writer: Tom Taylor Artists: Karl Mostert, Trevor Scott and Neil Edwards Color Artist: Rex Lokus...

Review: DCeased: Unkillables #2

"Murderers, Psychopaths and Monsters" Writer: Tom Taylor Artists: Karl Mostert, Trevor Scott and Neil Edwards Color Artist: Rex...

Review: DCeased: Unkillables #1

"DCeased: Unkillables" - Book One Writer: Tom Taylor Artists: Karl Mostert, Trevor Scott, Neil Edwards and John Livesay...

Preview: DCeased: Unkillables #1

Article by Steve J. Ray The monster hit DCeased was, without any shadow of a doubt, one of...

DCeased: Unkillables

‘DCeased: Unkillables!’ Is Coming

Article by Steve J. Ray The smash hit 2019 mini-series DCeased is getting a sequel! DCeased: Unkillables will...