Tag: Martian Manhunter
Review: Justice League #3
“THE TOTALITY” part three Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Jorge Jiménez A few short weeks ago John Stewart paid...
Review: Justice League #2
“THE TOTALITY” part two Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Jorge Jiménez Damn! That Lex Luthor is cold, calculating so...
DKN Spotlight Review: Justice League #1
“THE TOTALITY” part one Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Jim Cheung, Mark Morales The fallout from Dark Knights: Metal...
New Hall of Justice and Legion of Doom In ‘Justice League’
Scott Snyder is bringing forth a brand new era to Justice League. With the current 4-part mini-series Justice League: No...
Preview: Justice League: No Justice # 1
DC Comics has released a preview of a new four-issue miniseries called Justice League: No Justice. Brought to...
Preview: Dark Nights: Metal #5
Writer: Scott Snyder Artists: Greg Capullo and Jonathan Glapion DC Comics posted an online preview for the...
‘Static Shock’ Season 3 DVD Is Coming: Guest Starring Batman And The Justice League
Static Shock is back! The hit animated series' third season is on its way. This time Static will...
“No Justice” By Superteam Of Snyder, Tynion IV, Williamson And Manapul Will Invade Our Homes This Spring
Dark Nights: Metal has been one of most fun, and exciting crossovers in recent memory. With the series...
Justice League Animated Films Review: ‘Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths’
"As we anxiously await the debut of Justice League, DKN celebrates the release of the live-action film with...
First Look At The Batman/Elmer Fudd Crossover
Batman is going up against Elmer Fudd. We've known since February that Batman scribe Tom King was penning an issue...