Tag: Michael Keaton

Beware The Bat-Spider! Tom Holland Would Love To Play Batman

Holy Inter-Species Comic-Book Crossovers, Batman! Actor Tom Holland - current Webbed Wonder - would one day love to...

Val Kilmer Talks About ‘Batman Forever’

Val Kilmer spoke at the C2E2 comic convention about playing Batman in the 1995 film Batman Forever. Batman Forever...

Michael Keaton’s ‘Batman Returns’ Suit Sold At Auction

Was one of your lifelong goals to dress in a real life Batsuit, and you also happen to...

Michael Keaton Quotes Batman on ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Set

You can take Michael Keaton out of the DC Universe, but you can't take the DC Universe out...

Iconic Super Suits Go Up For Auction Dark Knight News

Iconic Super Suits Go Up For Auction

Chances are, if you've ever watched a Batman movie or read a Batman comic, you've had the same...

The Sequel We Deserve: Fan Recuts ‘Batman Returns’ As a Silent Film

Danny Elfman and Tim Burton - the dynamic duo of film.  Ever since 1985, when Burton made his...

Check Out This Awesome Mash-Up Video Featuring 'The Batman League' Dark Knight News

Check Out This Awesome Mash-Up Video Featuring ‘The Batman League’

Who did this? If you're needing a smile today, check out this awesome (and funny) mash-up video, brought...

Christian Bale V Ben Affleck: Dawn of the Batmen

Batman versus Superman? Who cares! What Bat-fans really want to know is who is the better Batman: Christian...

Screen Junkies: Honest Trailers for ‘Batman’ (1989) & ‘Superman’ (1978)

Screen Junkies presents Honest Trailers for Batman (1989) and Superman (1978). Votes for either trailer will determine something...

Remnants of the Rejected ‘Batman 89’ Comic

Review remnants of the rejected Batman '89 comic, as shared by Joe Quinones. Revel in the monochrome art...