Tag: Nightwing

Review: Batgirl #28

"Art of the Crime" Part Three Writer: Mairghread Scott Artists: Paul Pelletier, Norm Rapmund & Jordie Bellaire After the...

Review: Nightwing #51

"Knight Terrors" Part Two Writers: Scott Lobdell & Fabian Nicieza Artists: Travis Moore & Garry Brown Matt Damon...

Review: Titans #27

“One Life” Writer - Dan Abnett Art - Brent Peeples *This review contains spoilers! Rarely do characters impact...

DKN Spotlight Review: Nightwing #50

"Knight Terrors" Part One Writer: Benjamin Percy Artists: Travis Moore, Chris Mooneyham & Klaus Janson After the climactic...

Review: Nightwing #49

"Harm's Way" Part Two Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Amancay Nahuelpan   Nightwing is in the race of his...

Review: Batman #55

"Beasts of Burden" Part 1 Writer: Tom King Artist: Tony Daniel Batman and Nightwing face down the new...

DKN Spotlight Review: Titans #25

“The Spark,” Part 3 Writer - Dan Abnett Art - Brandon Peterson, Guillem March, Denis Medri *This review...

Review: Nightwing #48

"Harm's Way" Part One Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Amancay Nahuelpan Taking a momentary break from fighting technology, Nightwing...

Review: Batman #54

"The Better Man" Writer: Tom King Artist: Matt Wagner While Bruce Wayne is still dealing with the repercussions...

DKN Spotlight Review: Nightwing Annual #1

"Deadline" Writer: Benjamin Percy Artist: Otto Schmidt Oh man, what an issue! Benjamin Percy takes us on such...