Tag: Nightwing

James Tynion IV Releases Artwork From Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III

Article by Philip Clark James Tynion IV has been lending his talents to the current Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja...

DC Announce 25 cent ‘Year Of The Villain’ #1 Comic And Event Titles

Article by Steve J. Ray The big DC event of 2019 is getting closer. To celebrate DC Entertainment...

Preview: DCeased #1

Article by Steve Ray Since Tom Taylor started teasing his DCeased series on social media, anticipation has been...

DKN Spotlight Review: Detective Comics #1000

"Detective Comics #1000" Writers: Peter J. Tomasi, Tom King, Geoff Johns, Brian Michael Bendis, Christopher Priest, Denny O'Neil,...

Tony Daniel’s DC #1000 Art Gathers Entire Bat-Family

Tony S. Daniel has revealed some of his line art from the hotly anticipated Detective Comics #1000, showing...

Review: Nightwing #58

"Corrosion Of The Corrupted" Writers: Scott Lobdell and Zack Kaplan Artist: Travis Moore Color Artist: Tamra Bonvillain Letters:...

Review: Doomsday Clock #9

"Crisis" Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Gary Frank Color Artist: Brad Anderson Letterer: Rob Leigh Mars is being invaded. Yes,...

Batman “Family” Diorama Unveiled By Sideshow Collectibles

Wow! Sideshow Collectibles have teamed up with Quantum Mechanix Inc. to bring you the Batman "Family"... and it's...

Freddy Prinze Jr. as Red Hood Wants to Drive the Batmobile in Comedy Clip

Actor Freddy Prinze Jr. has shared a video where he plays the Red Hood, in a comedy sketch...

Review: Nightwing #57

"Heroes Without A Home" Writers: Scott Lobdell & Zack Kaplan Artist: Travis Moore Color Artist: Tamra Bonvillain Letterer:...