Tag: Roy Harper

Review: Heroes In Crisis #6

“Heroes In Crisis” – Part Six Writer: Tom King Artists: Mitch Gerads & Clay Mann Color Artists: Mitch Gerads...

Review: Titans #27

“One Life” Writer - Dan Abnett Art - Brent Peeples *This review contains spoilers! Rarely do characters impact...

Review: Red Hood And The Outlaws Annual #2

'On the Road Again' Writer: Scott Lobdell Artist: Clayton Henry, Marcelo Maiolo, Niel Googe, Wade von Grawbadger It's...

Review: Titans #21

"Titans Apart, Part 2" Writer - Dan Abnett Artist - Paul Pelletier Trust and power were at the...

DKN Spotlight Review: Titans #20

“Titans Apart” Writer: Dan Abnett Artists: Paul Pelletier The Justice League has disbanded the Titans following their encounter...

Review: Titans #18

“The Fall of Troy”   Writer: Dan Abnett Artists: Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund   Donna Troy fights...

PREVIEW: Red Hood and the Outlaws #21

Something big is on the horizon for Red Hood and friends. In these few pages, we see Roy...

PREVIEWS: Red Hood & The Outlaws Annual #1: Trust Fall

The 5th week in the month usually leads to DC Comics events, and since the New 52 launch,...

PREVIEWS: Red Hood and the Outlaws #20: Reliving Jason’s memories

This week's Red Hood & The Outlaws continues the quest with the new team on the title and...


Wanna know what's in store for you for the next few issues of Red Hood & the Outlaws? James...