Tag: Selina Kyle

Review: Catwoman #23

"We've Got Fun and Games" Writers: Blake Northcott and Sean Murphy Artist: Cian Tormey Color Artist: FCO Plascencia...

Batman #94 Banner

Preview: BATMAN #94 – The conclusion to “Their Dark Designs”

Article by Steve J. Ray Yes, dear reader, you read that headline correctly. The lovely folks over at...

Review: Catwoman #22

"The Cleaners" Writer: Paula Sevenbergen Artist: Aneke Color Artists: Laura Allred Letterer: Gabriela Downie Review by Adam Ray...

Catwoman 80th Anniversary Featured Image

DKN Spotlight Review: Catwoman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular

“Catwoman 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular” Writers: Paul Dini, Ann Nocenti, Tom King, Jeff Parker, Liam Sharp, Mindy...

Zoe Kravitz Jokes They’ll Have To Make Cat Suit Bigger

Article by Chris Foti Earlier this week, Warner Bros. announced that The Batman release date has been pushed...

Gotham High

‘Gotham High’ – A New Take On Well Known DC Characters

Article by John Hammond You may have noticed that DC Comics have released quite a few YA graphic...

Robert Pattinson is The Batman

Matt Reeves Provides Insight on ‘The Batman’

Article by Carl Bryan Anticipation For The Bat-Signal Shining Soon It remains to be seen when cameras will...

Gotham High - a new take on Batman's story

DC Debuts Trailer For ‘Gotham High’

Article by Chris Foti DC has debuted the trailer for Gotham High. The new Young Adult graphic novel is written...

GQ Interview Dark Knight News Greig Fraser

Production on ‘The Batman’ Suspended for Two Weeks

Article by Adam Poncharoensub Unfortunately, with so many lives lost to the coronavirus, larger corporations are now taking...

Catwoman 80th Anniversary

Preview: First Look At Catwoman 80th Anniversary Pages and Variant Covers

Article by Chris Foti As reported earlier this year, there will be 8 decade variant covers as part...