Tag: snyder

Batman #32 Review

Synopsis: The penultimate issue of ZERO YEAR is here! Batman gets one step closer to the endgame with The...

Batman #31 Review

Synopsis: The second chapter of “ZERO YEAR – SAVAGE CITY” reveals an entirely new Gotham City. Unraveling the mysteries...

Preview: Batman Eternal #6

Spoiler Alert! New images are out already of  Batman Eternal #6. In what we see Batwing makes an...

Batman #30 Review

Awesome. Incredible. Surprising. Fresh. Shocking. You choose which best describes Scott Snyder's Batman run because I'm running out...

Josh Holloway Joining Batman Vs. Superman? (Rumor)

ComicBookMovie is reporting that the Lost star is being eyed for a role in the upcoming super-film. My...

Batman #26 Review: (Zero Year) Dark City: Part Three

Batman #26 continues Bruce's Zero Year arc, as amid the shadows of Dark City's third chapter, Bruce finds himself in the clutches of Doctor...

Batman #25 Review: (Zero Year) Dark City: Part Two

Batman #25 continues Bruce's Zero Year tale for The New 52, where Dark City's second chapter finds Bruce trying to save Gotham from...

Kevin Smith Teases The New Bat-Suit

Anyone one who knows anything about Kevin Smith can tell you how much he loves Batman.  The man...

Zero Year’s Batmobile Revealed

Batman #24 was a huge issue with the story finally showing us Bruce's first outing in the cowl....

Double-Dip on Death?

Synopsis: After having his face sliced off, The Joker makes his horrifying return to Gotham City in this epic...