Tag: stephanie brown

Review: Batman & Robin Eternal #23

Writer: Genevieve Valentine Penciler: Fernando Blanco Last week's plan comes to fruition in the pages of Batman &...

Review: Batgirl #47

Writers: Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart Art: Eleonora Carlini, Mortitat After a long batch of standalone issues (that were...

Batgirl 46

Review: Batgirl #46

Writers: Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher Penciller: Babs Tarr Issue #46 is a strong return to form for the...

Convergence: Batgirl #1

Convergence: Batgirl #1 Review

Convergence: Batgirl sold me right off the bat by including fan-favorites Stephanie Brown and my favorite former Batgirl...

Batman:Eternal #43 Review

Synopsis: Don’t miss this special issue that loops our story all the way back to where it started in...

Batman:Eternal #42 Review

Synopsis: You’ve been waiting for the debut of Bluebird – and here it is, though this story may not...

Batman Eternal #11 Review

Synopsis: The Trial of Jim Gordon Begins. The synopsis doesn't describe this week's issue of Batman: Eternal very well. Most of...

Spoiler Alert!

If you haven't read this week's Batman:Eternal, stop reading now. Go grab it, read it, and come back. This...

Batman-Inspired Heels and Flats Hit the Internet on “Shoes of Prey”

via shoesofprey.com Shoes of Prey, a fashion site that allows customers to design and purchase their own shoes,...

Batman: Eternal Teaser Art

DC Comics will be celebrating the Dark Knight's 75th Anniversary next year with a myriad of specials, including...