Tag: talon

Meanwhile…Secret Society #1

SPOILER WARNINGS A lot of really cool moments happen weekly in comics. Given the number of titles related...

Talon/Birds of Prey Crossover: Birds of Prey Issue #21

In the first of a two-issues, the Birds of Prey cross paths with Calvin Rose in Birds of...

Previews: Talon #8 Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark

With the events of last issue with Bane "killing" Calvin, this issue will shed some more light on...

Guillem March’s Talon Designs

Last week's Talon #7 was more than getting Bane more involved in the New 52/DCnU and Talon vs...

C2E2 2013: BATMAN 101 PANEL

Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo 2013 has begun with Day 2. The fourth panel of convention is Batman/Superman 101. Click...


Talon vs. Bane, Court of Owls and their own version of a death match. New issue of Talon Issue...


Talon #7 cover reveals favorite back breaker, click the jump to see the full cover. James Tynion IV is...

Talon #6: Calvin meets Batman part 2

Part 2 of Talon in Gotham vs Talons and Grandmaster with Batman.  Gullien March's 2nd to last issue. ...

PREVIEWS: Birds of Prey #18 Mr. Freeze vs Birds of Prey

Mr. Freeze is the villain times 2 this week in comics.  First in Batwoman and now in Birds...

PREVIEWS: Talon #5 with Batman and Nightwing

Talon has been a surprisingly good title for the Batman Family titles.  This issue appears to be no...