Tag: The

Title Reveal: Batman Vs Superman

During the 75th Anniversary panel at San Diego Comic-Con, David Goyer (Writer: Man Of Steel, The Dark Knight)...

Beware The Batman Creators Discuss Their Version Of The Dark Knight

Those involved in the creation of Beware the Batman (Producers and Actors) joined at SDCC to discuss their...

DC Nation – Beware the Batman Clip

A teaser clip was released showing Batman and the new incarnation of Alfred. Personally, I found Alfred hard...


I know that a lot of people feel that the greatest part of The Dark Knight was the...

First True TV Spot for TDKR: New Footage

July 20th is coming very very quickly.  And now we have our first true TV spot for The...

1st TV Spot for The Dark Knight Rises

With July 20th looming closer and closer, we are going to start to see a lot of TV...

A Systematic and Deductive Breakdown of TDKR: Trailer 3

(Please Note: The following article is an opinion piece from our writer Stephen Doria. While we fully support...