Tag: Tom King
Review: DC Nation #0
DC Nation #0 Writers: Tom King, Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Joshua Williamson Artists: Clay...
Preview: Batman #46
"The Gift" Part 2 Writer: Tom King Artist: Tony Daniel A preview of Batman #46 is now online. When we...
Tom King Reveals Title to the Bat/Cat Wedding
This summer is going to be one to remember for comic book fans. I can't say if it'll...
DC Comics Showcases ‘Free Comic Book Day’ Titles
DC comics released their offering of comics for the Free Comic Book Day event for fans of young...
Ace vs Krypto, Who Is The Better Super Dog?
I must’ve missed the memo that this week is the week of feuds. First there was Deadpool vs...
Review: Batman #45
"The Gift" Part 1 Writer: Tom King Artist: Tony Daniel Writer Tom King switches the story structure with...
DC Comics Cordially Invites Retailers And Fans To The Bat/Cat Wedding
As a comics fan, I can truly say that we may well be living in a new golden...
Batman #45, Guest Starring Booster Gold, Teased at C2E2 Panel
The upcoming Batman #45 was previewed at the Batman panel in C2E2 comic convention. Booster Gold comes to give Batman a thoughtful,...
C2E2: Batman Panel Announces Catwoman Solo Title by Joëlle Jones and Laura Allred
The Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo, better known as C2E2, is a large comic book convention currently underway...
Batcat Press! Presenting The Wedding Cover For Batman #50
It's been twenty issues since Bruce Wayne proposed to Selina Kyle. In issue #24 Tom King gave us...