Tag: Tom King
Review: Batman #44
"Bride or Burglar" Writer: Tom King Artists: Mikel Janin, Joelle Jones This one-off focusing on the Batman/Catwoman relationship...
Review: Batman #43
"Everyone Loves Ivy" Part 3 Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin How do Batman and Catwoman take...
The ‘Batman/Catwoman Wedding Album’ To Be Released Fall 2018
It seems that DC is finally giving Bruce Wayne a major "Happily Ever After." The famous Bat and...
Writer Tom King Teases Batman And Catwoman’s Wedding Apparel Online
One of the greatest comics events of all time is just around the corner. With The Joker planning...
DKN Spotlight Review: Batman #42
"Everyone Loves Ivy" Part 2 Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Tom King and Mikel Janin created another...
Review: Batman #41
"Everybody Loves Ivy" Part 1 Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin Writer Tom King and artist Mikel Janin...
Preview: Batman #41
"Everyone Loves Ivy" part 1 Writer: Tom King Artist: Mikel Janin CBR.com put up an exclusive...
Review: Batman #40
"Superfriends" Part 4 Writer: Tom King Artist: Joelle Jones Tom King and...
Lee Weeks Teases Future ‘Batman’ Storyline
Artist Lee Weeks has been posting images on his Instagram teasing a Mr. Freeze storyline on Batman. For the...
Preview: Batman #40
"Super Friends" - Part Four Writer: Tom King Artists: Joelle Jones & Jordie Bellaire Tom King has given...