Tag: warner bros. pictures
Rumor: Merchandise Art for ‘Batman v. Superman’ Surfaces Online
With all the Arkham Knight news coming out, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice just doesn't seem as...
Suicide Squad Director David Ayer Describes Jared Leto’s Joker in One Word
As far as I know, the general consensus of Jared Leto's casting as the Joker was overall apprehensiveness....
Amy Adams Claims Affleck Will Be Doing ‘His Own Unique Thing’
Amy Adams is the adorable actress whom I first laid eyes on in Disney's Enchanted. There was a certain amount...
Tim Burton’s ‘Batman’ Blu-Ray Promo Bundle with NECA Figure has Release Date
Right in time for Christmas, WB is re-releasing Tim Burton's Batman on Blu-ray with an extra special feature,...
‘Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice’ has Finished Filming
It's been a little more than a year since Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice started filming. It...
Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises Available for Streaming on TNTDrama.com, December 7
Streaming is a big thing nowadays. (That's like saying that this indoor plumbing thing is really catching on.)...
Batman v. Superman Filming in Deming, New Mexico
As it stands, the "This Week on the BvS Set" may have already ended without my knowledge. Set...
‘Batman v. Superman’ Crew Members Appearing in New Mexico
Due to the fact that the production crew on Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice has wrapped up...
This Week On The ‘BvS’ Set: The Dearly Departed Waynes Part Deux
“This Week on the ‘BvS’ Set” is a new recurring column that attempts to catch you up on...
Extra on ‘BvS’ Celebrates his Time on Set, Expects People will be ‘Blown Away’
Recently, a lot of people have been cropping up as extras in the upcoming Batman v. Superman: Dawn...