Tag: warner bros. pictures

Rumor: Details of ‘Batman v. Superman’ Wonder Woman Costume Revealed?

A couple weeks back, there were candid photos of Gal Gadot, looking stunning as always, on location in Detroit, shooting...

UPDATED: TMZ Believes that Callan Mulvey Could be Playing the Joker in Batman v. Superman

UPDATED: I often pride myself in knowing as much as possible about anything I'm reporting on, but somehow...

Rumor: Jason Momoa was Supposed to be Aquaman in Batman vs. Superman

Rumors have surfaced that Jason Momoa was reportedly up for the role of Aquaman in Batman vs. Superman....

Batman vs. Superman May Be Filming in Metamora Township, Michigan

Batman vs. Superman may have acquired permits to film in Metamora Township, Michigan. Back in August, it was...

Jason Momoa Says He’s Not Involved with Batman vs. Superman

Jason Momoa, star of the Conan the Barbarian remake and Game of Thrones, was reportedly in negotiations for...

Rumor: Movie Producer Daniel Alter Reveals Doomsday in Batman vs. Superman

Producer Daniel Alter takes to Twitter once more to reveal that Doomsday is likely to appear in the...


IMAX Corporation  and Warner Bros. Pictures  announced that The Dark Knight Rises has passed the $100 million global box office mark in...