Tag: Zack Snyder
First Look At Mera From ‘Justice League’
Is it November yet? Of 2017, that is. Courtesy of IGN, we now have our first look at the...
Zack Snyder Releases ‘Justice League’ Sizzle Reel
Is there a chance Zack Snyder has stock in Twitter? The guy loves, and I mean LOVES, to...
Zack Snyder Tweets Another Tease
Zack Snyder is at it again. Thursday, he tweeted out another picture. assuming from his Justice League set, which...
‘Justice League’ Commissioner Gordon, Flash, and Cyborg Reveals!
What a Batman Day it's been. Not only do we get discounts off Batman media on the iTunes...
Zack Snyder Debuts the New Batsuit
The DCEU sure loves the Twitter. Wednesday afternoon, Justice League director Zack Snyder tweeted out a picture of the...
Obscure Easter Egg Found in ‘Batman v Superman’
Fans of superhero movies are no strangers to Easter Eggs being placed throughout the films. Whether it is...
J.K. Simmons Completes ‘Justice League’ Filming & Speaks About His Scenes
J.K. Simmons has finished his Jim Gordon scenes for the upcoming Justice League film. He reports a pleasant...
Jason Momoa Portrays a different Aquaman on the ‘Justice League’ Set
The production of the 2017 blockbuster Justice League is in full swing, and Jason Momoa has brought something a...
Vote For Batman-Related Nominations In Spike TV’s ‘Game Changer Award’
Spike TV is coming again to this upcoming Comic-Con and they need fans to cast in their votes...
Official ‘Justice League’ Set Photo Featuring Zack Snyder
The set photographer for DC Films, Clay Enos, took over Entertainment Weekly's Photo Department Instagram account yesterday to...