Tag: Zack Snyder

‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’: 2 Years Later

It was two years ago today that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hit theaters. Since Christopher Reeve...

The Reason Black Suit Superman Was Abandoned

Justice League is the film that a lot of people want to forget about, but it just won’t...

justice league 2 dark knight news

Zack Snyder talks ‘Justice League 2’ on Social Media!

There is no debating that Zack Snyder's time with the DC Universe has concluded and given that in...

Jeffrey Dean Morgan Is Ready To Suit Up As Flashpoint Batman

Jeffrey Dean Morgan is teasing fans again about potentially suiting up as Thomas Wayne’s Batman in the upcoming...

Concept Art Of Metallo From ‘Batman v Superman’ Revealed

Well, he sort of looks like Metallo. Artist, Rob McKinnon has revealed some of his concept art for Batman...

DKN Podcast: Special Guest Damian Fasciani

Welcome to The Dark Knight News Podcast! This episode Steve and Steve are joined by the owner of...

Snyder Confirms Super-Obscure Homage to ‘The Dark Knight Returns’

Director Zack Snyder recently confirmed a Dark Knight Returns easter egg in Justice League. Twitter user FilmJunkee pointed out there is...

Matt Reeves Addresses Rumors Of Him Leaving ‘The Batman’

It seems to be a very delicate time for DC Films. Batman v Superman failed to wow audiences...

‘Justice League’ Receives An Unrelenting ‘Honest Trailer’

The popular YouTube channel Screen Junkies has come for Justice League with an Honest Trailer, and they are unrelenting....

Zack Snyder working on Justice League J.K Simmons dark knight news

Zack Snyder Gives His Thoughts On ‘Justice League’ Deleted Scenes

When the home release of Justice League was announced, it was revealed that the Bonus Features would include...